28 April 2010

More Scrabble

This is just a shout-out to my scrabble sistas in Vegas, you know who you are.

According to my calculations, we have had at least one game in play for about 18 weeks now. They are all as crazy about Scrabble as I am, and every game is an awesome challenge. I think it's safe to say that we're a little addicted, and perhaps wondering how or if it will ever end? I kind of hope it won't.

This is somewhat unrelated, but I posted this screen shot of our current game because it was the first time I was seeing this ad our church has on facebook right now. It is difficult to see here, but clicking on it links you to this website, where you can ask any questions you've ever had about the LDS church via live chat. There is a lot of false information out there and sometimes it is difficult to determine if what you're reading is true, so if you really do have questions, but don't necessarily want to talk face-to-face with members of the church or missionaries, this is a place to get the truth somewhat anonymously.

1 comment:

Brittany and Steve Macbeth said...

Hey Kris, how/where do you play scrabble online? is it facebook? I would love it!!