21 April 2010

Garden 2010: part 1

The 2010 garden is coming along nicely so far. This is the earliest I've ever had things actually growing. Usually at this time of year I'm barely planting cold-weather veggies and making my plan for May when the other things can finally be put into the ground.

Romaine and mixed greens are sprouting like crazy and in desperate need of thinning.

Also, this is my second planting of carrots, as my first planting sprouted and were quickly devoured by snails in one night. I had to learn the hard way that snails & slugs like carrot seedlings. At first I didn't blame snails, as the lettuce seedlings planted inches away were completely untouched. Apparently they prefer carrots over lettuce--kind of like my children.

There are many pea plants in all levels of maturity due to successive plantings. Hopefully this will allow for a longer pea-picking season. That is the idea, anyway.

Also, no picture yet, but Owen and I found some potatoes in the pantry that were filled with eyes, so we put them into the ground and are hoping for some beginners luck as potato farmers.

I decided to try my hand at planting a few seeds indoors this year. I've got honeydew and zucchini seeds planted and hopefully growing in time for a mid-May transplant.

And last, the grass and the baby are growing like weeds, and the former will just continue to look like a crazy jungle due to a broken mower. In addition to a broken microwave and a dryer that seems to be losing heat everyday, we're having an appliance catastrophe in our house. Love it.


Unknown said...

ha ha - I just have to laugh because our lawnmower broke last fall - our microwave broke last month and our garbage disposal broke a month or two ago. We're still putting money away like crazy for the hospital bill for the new baby so finding extra cash for appliances is pretty difficult!

Unknown said...

Maybe Jeff would like an early birhday present of a repaired lawn mower? But then he would have to put it to use!xoxoxo

Geothermal Heat Pumps said...
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SummerV said...

Do you have any suggestions for good books or sites on starting your first garden? This is our first year.

Lima Bean said...

Hey Summer! Last year we did the square foot gardening method, and I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. Just google square foot gardening and Mel Bartholemew's website is the one you want. That is the only book I have ever found helpful.

I have mostly used the trial and error method of gardening over the years. I have made all the possible mistakes and still don't really know what I'm doing.

Good luck!